
Nach dem Studium bieten sich den Medical Systems Engineering Absolventen vielfältige Berufsperspektiven.  Ob in einem industriellen Unternehmen oder einer Forschungseinrichtung – die internationale Gefragtheit von Medizintechnikingenieuren ist enorm.

Das Studium an der OVGU bereitet Sie dabei bestens auf die Anforderungen der Wirtschaft und Forschung vor. Dank des großen Kooperationsnetzwerks der OVGU im Bereich der Medizintechnik können sich den Studierenden ausgezeichnete berufliche Möglichkeiten schon während des Studiums bieten.

Mögliche Berufsfelder können dabei folgende sein:

  • Entwicklungsingenieur in der Medizintechnikindustrie
  • Informatiker im Krankenhaus, in der Gesundheitsdienstleitung, in der medizinischen Industrie
  • Entwickler intelligenter Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen, u.a. multimodale Gerätebedienung, Benutzer-adaptive Steuerungen
  • Wissenschaftler in der industriellen, akademischen und klinischen Forschung in der Medizin und Neurowissenschaften
  • Consultant für eingebettete medizinische Systeme und Anlagen
  • Produktmanagement und Verkauf von medizinischen Systemen und Anlagen
  • Selbständigkeit im Bereich Medizintechnik und Medizininformatik


Testimonials von unseren Alumni und Studierenden

"Soyoung750x800The Masters in Medical Systems Engineering (MSE) program at the OVGU provided an interdisciplinary and collaborative learning environment made possible by the faculty members representing diverse research areas addressing clinical needs and patient care. Coming from a more rigid undergraduate curriculum in the United States, I appreciated the hands-on and flexible coursework options made available in the MSE program, which allowed me to explore and take ownership of my education experience. For example, the industry internship under the research track option was a great opportunity to dig into a research problem while gaining experience at a leading healthcare company. The MSE program at the OVGU set me up for success in a PhD program in the United States, which later led to a faculty appointment at the PhD-granting institution. I am very pleased and proud to be a part of the OVGU alumni."
Soyoung Kang
Alumni from the USA 


Ivan750x800"After graduating from high school, I was determined to start the bachelor's degree program in medical technology at the OVGU. In the meantime, I quickly realized in addition to all the theory in my studies, practical experience is essential to become a good engineer. At the STIMULATE Institute I worked on various projects in the field of computer and magnetic resonance imaging. This gave me the chance to do research on a Tabletop MR at the master's degree Medical Sysrtems Engineering in cooperation with Dr. Thomas Witzel at the Athinoula A. Martinos Center (Harward Medical School & MIT) in Boston. This significantly improved my expertise. The MSE program in close cooperation with STIMULATE offers many opportunities for theoretical but also practical teaching, especially in the field of imaging techniques.”
Ivan Fomin
Alumni from Germany


Josefine750x800"After my bachelor degree in Medical Engineering I was looking for an international master program as I wanted to retain the possibility to work abroad. During my masters at the OVGU I highly appreciated the internationality of the program, the flexibility to adapt the study content according to my interests as well as the direct and uncomplicated contact to professors and scientific associates.
Because of the excellent and close cooperation with the research campus STIMULATE, I got the opportunity to do my PhD in the field of human-robot interaction. Besides that, I am coordinating the master I once studied. I really like the variety of tasks of my working day and the fact that I stayed in Magdeburg because of the excellent conditions, although I had not planned it before coming here."
Josefine Schreiter
Alumni from Germany

Shreyas750x800“After my bachelor in Biomedical Engineering I have worked as a Biomedical Engineer in hospital sector. That was the time I was so fascinated about studying a Master program in Germany as all the medical device equipment we had in the hospital were all with the “Made in Germany“ tag. I am always research oriented and here at the OVGU in Magdeburg I found a perfect place for myself in Medical Systems Engineering. The course structure is just perfect for the one who is interested in fields like Radiation, Imaging and Human Computer Interactions in Surgery. Overall, the layout of the course is very good which also gives an opportunity to undergo a Research Track Program for students interested in doing Research. On the top of it, the Professors and the Staff are really helpful and polite which is very important for an International student like me. And yes, the environment here in Magdeburg is the best place to live as a student.”
Shreyas Oka
Student from India

Letzte Änderung: 16.05.2021 - Ansprechpartner: